It would appear that movement to hold Wall Street accountable for the crimes of the past several years, and put an end to the growing income inequality in the United States is starting taking hold. Not only are a number of unions and progressive groups stepping up to show support for the men and women in the street, but the right is beginning to panic. No longer content to ignore what’s taking place in the street, entities like FOX News have decided to wage an all out assault on those they’re now painting as anti-Capitalist psychopaths, hell bent on the destruction of the American way of life. Based on today’s coverage, I think it’s pretty clear that they’re getting nervous. And, if radio show host Glenn Beck is any indication, people in the mainstream corporate media will be calling these peaceful men and women terrorists by the end of the week. Listen to this clip from Beck’s show yesterday afternoon.
Here’s my quick transcription:
Gang… May I warn you again. We are in for trouble. And I fear that it is close… I will give you some information that has come to my attention today… I don’t know if it’s credible or not… It has been verified… not by me… it’s coming from the right sources, it appears, and these people have credibility, who are releasing this information. And it is about an attack on Wall Street next week. Van Jones has said some spectacular things. He has said, ‘October will be remembered for the Progressive movement.’ That it is, ‘game changing,’ what is happening this month. I don’t know what that means exactly. I know that the unions join this movement down on Wall Street tomorrow. They are starting this movement in Washington, DC, and all over. Do not dismiss them. If you have money in the stock market, may I recommend that you have some cash handy, that you have your food and everything else ready. I hope to God that none of this stuff happens, but you have people who are anarchists – revolutionaries who are intent on collapsing the system. They are trying to break the system…
Beck then went on to say, in his usual “I’m not saying this is definitely going to happen, but I really think this is going to happen” kind of way, that millions would die as a result of the occupation of Wall Street.
It’s worth noting that Beck’s biggest advertisers are companies selling gold and survivalist supplies.